Chedraui Workers United

ChedrauiLeaks is expanding its coverage to share information among all 52,000 grocery store workers across Grupo Comercial Chedraui in over 120 El Super and Fiesta Mart stores from California to Texas and nearly 300 Tiendas Chedraui, Super Chedraui, Super Che and Supercitos across twenty-five states in Mexico, plus the warehouse, distribution, and manufacturing workers who supply the stores.

We’ve learned a lot from workers and customers that we’ve decided to share and we will be regularly updating this space. Click here for the latest Chedraui Workers United stories on ChedrauiLeaks. More discussion and updates are on our Facebook page.

If you have photos or stories you wish to tell us, you can send them by email, Facebook Messenger, or Twitter. We will keep them private unless you tell us otherwise.

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ChedrauiLeaks is an independent, critical website sponsored by the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW). The UFCW is the supermarket workers’ union in the United States and Canada, with approximately 1.3 million members in the United States and Canada working primarily in the grocery, retail, food processing and meatpacking industries.

Approximately 600 workers in seven El Super stores have a contract and are members of four UFCW locals in southern California. The rest of the approximately 12,000 workers at El Super and Fiesta Mart in the United States have no contract and no union representation. El Super and Fiesta Mart are owned by Bodega Latina Corporation, a subsidiary of Grupo Comercial Chedraui, S.A.B de C.V.