Omar Hamid García Harfuch and his wife have owned a San Diego condo since 2006

New: This property was sold in December 2018. Click here for details.

The row of condominiums including 6142 Verda Lane, San Diego CA (Google Streetview)

Omar Hamid García Harfuch and his wife Marianela Mina Cabrera bought 6142 Verda Lane in San Diego, California for $469,900 at the end of 2006.  The grant deed was executed on October 13, 2006 and was recorded at the San Diego County Recorder’s Office on December 11, 2006. Omar Hamid García Harfuch and his wife borrowed $250,000 against the property on December 8, 2006.

The signatures of Omar Hamid Garcia Harfuch and his wife on their 2006 Deed of Trust.

For tax purposes, the property was valued at $531,809 for the tax year 2016 – 2017.

Omar Hamid García Harfuch is the head of Mexico’s federal Criminal Investigation Agency.


Full Property Detail
2006 Grant Deed
2006 Deed of Trust